The Medical Center Names May Sunshine Award Recipient – May 2022
The Medical Center of Southeast Texas names it's May Sunshine Award recipient – Jennifer Guillory, RVT, RDCS, a Cardiovascular Coordinator in the Cardiology department who was nominated by her peers for this award!
Read below to see why NAME was nominated and chosen as the award recipient!
"Jennifer is always willing to go above and beyond for her patients and coworkers. Jennifer will always greet you with smile, which is usually followed by her asking how you are doing. She has a great passion for what she does and cares deeply about our patients. Jennifer is always willing to lend a hand whenever it is needed. She will go the extra mile to make sure the patients have everything they need and that they are as comfortable as they possibly can be while they are in our care. She is a great person with a caring heart!"
The Sunshine award exists to help recognize hospital staff members that support nursing staff! Without sunshine, DAISYs wouldn't be able to grow and likewise, nurses at The Medical Center wouldn't be able to do their jobs without so many people that work in the background to make everything possible.